Tuesday, 30 June 2015

I Was Here: Unmasking Depression with Anna

(Photo credit to www.instagram.com/thebutterflybrand)

About a month ago I had the honor of celebrating the long awaited book release of my dear friend Anna.

I met her several years ago at a mutual friend's 21st birthday and we'd kept in contact since via Facebook. She's one of the few people in my life that thinks along the same enlightened and philosophical wavelength that I do and is also a very gifted writer.

As she says in the first few pages of her book, she suffered with depression many years ago and she wrote every day until it had passed. Her debut book, Unmasking Depression, is a culmination of her writings as well as quotes that were meaningful to her personal journey and will hopefully trigger something with each reader.

I started reading her book a few days after I suddenly lost my mother to cancer. As anyone that's lost a loved one will know, you just want the million and one emotions to go away and some dwell on them which makes it worse, others throw themselves into whatever they can find in the hopes that their brain will do the processing while they switch focus for a bit.

I like the way the book is written. I don't think I've come across a book that resembles the same format that Anna's used which is a standout feature I'd say.

She has different sections in the book including Suffering, Pain, Intuition, Healing, Words, Truth, Darkness, Light, Enlightenment, Purpose, Resurrection, as well as a dedication at the front and an introduction which tells you a bit about her personal story and the reason the book exists in the first place. (Check out her the official instagram page to see what I mean. www.instagram.com/thebutterflybrand)

Between each section which is 2-3 pages long, she has a different quote which helps to break up the writing and give you an extra boost after each part.

The best way I feel I can describe it is like a written tea or coffee break. You take a big sip of each section, let the words sink into your subconscious, then swallow down in preparation for the next section. The quotes in between are like taking a bite on a complementing biscuit.

As I was reading through it, I was reminded of Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist and some similarities in the writing. Although in The Alchemist (and possibly other books of Coelho's which I haven't read yet) there is primarily a story, fictional, and the underlying theme which readers usually take on board and which is most likely the reason for its rave reviews. You can also just read the book as a story and let your subconscious make what it will of the underlying lessons.

Unmasking Depression is similar in the way that it gives the reader something to think about, but it doesn't do so in the form of a fictional story, it removes all the layers and makes you feel like you're inside someone else's head and privy to their thought patterns (which is I think how Anna meant to write it). It's done in a gentle way as if the way friend who's looking out for you and giving you objective insights into your problems, they're not telling you what to do or trying to fix the problems for you, they're merely pointing out what they can see and what the options are, what you take from it is entirely your business.

Although the book is focused on the feminine, the lessons to be gleaned are relevant and appropriate to everyone, regardless of what gender you identify with the strongest.

As someone who has grown up with mental illness, a lot of the things that were talked about I felt a strong connection with. In fact I had to sharpen a pencil when I went to reread it because there's so much in it that's like a continuous 'Aha!' or 'Yes! This is so true!', that you just feel the need to make a note of it for future reference.

I mentioned to Anna the other night that because of the nature of her book and it's themes, it's the kind of book that people need to read when they're at a certain place in their lives where they're receptive to the ideas and it's ultimately exactly what they need to get them to wherever they need to go, or hopefully, the help that they need, to feel like someone understands them and there is a way out of the barrage of craziness happening inside their head, heart and soul.

Much like pretty much anything written by Paulo Coelho, you know this book is a keeper for generations to come.

I also really like that Anna does personalizations to show gratitude for not only purchasing her 'art work' but to make you feel like you now have a close connection with her. It makes the transaction that much better instead of just buying a book online and getting it in the mail. Each book comes with love, heartfelt gratitude, support and understanding as well as hope for the future or even that tomorrow will be better than today.

(Photo credit to www.instagram.com/thebutterflybrand)

If you'd like to purchase your own copy to see what I'm talking about, (you won't regret it!), get in quick as there's only a limit of 200 copies, of which I think about half have already gone. She also does pretty and poignant post cards (see the picture below).

Check out http://www.thebutterfly.com.au/products/unmasking-depression

Yes, the price includes shipping, I already checked. While you're there, I also recommend checking out Anna's blog. It's quite interesting and thoughtful, slight similar to this blog if I do say so myself.

If you'd like to keep up to date with Anna and her company, The Butterfly, you can do so by following them both on Instagram.


(Photo credit to www.instagram.com/thebutterflybrand)

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