Saturday, 27 December 2014


When Twilight first came out, one of my best friends at the time disliked immensely and refused to acknowledge it as anything other than 'Twiglight' or 'Gaylight' from memory.

I personally enjoyed the stories for what they were and became a fairly sizeable fan, even screen printing a tshirt with the movie poster to wear when the movie came out. Times have changed since then though.

I loved the idea of undying love and that no matter where Bella was or what she was doing, Edward was always there or knew when he needed her. Sure it may have played into the stereotypical damsel in distress thing, but I saw it as a comfort.

Having had numerous times as a teenager where I felt completely alone and like no one understand, the thought of someone that I was madly in love with just appearing next to me when I needed someone the most had a huge appeal to me. (Plus Charlie preparing a shotgun when Bella invites Edward over just screamed of something my dad would do.)

I was excited to see how the movie would play out when I heard there was going to be one and felt kind of let down when I went to see it. I know many people have the same concerns or reservations when they see a book-to-movie movie and wonder what will be cut, what will be kept and how certain scenes they author has written and they've imagined will be portrayed.

I think many girls who read the books saw themselves as Bella, as did I despite her appearance being nothing like mine. The bigger appeal lies in her being an outsider and the most wanted guy in school falling 'irrevocably' in love with her. Indeed many stories have this underlying theme since it seems to work so well.

After reading all the books and thoroughly enjoying the stories from a hopeless romantic perspective, I hoped that the movies would focus more on the themes which meant something to me, rather than dividing fandoms between two Hollywood heartthrobs and making it a 'who's hotter' battle.

When I went to see the first movie with an old friend, the scene where Edward makes his first entrance into the cafeteria was met with a wave of girlish squeals from the tweens that were in the cinema with us. Needless to say it wasn't the best part of the movie.

However, the second time I went to see it and there were no squeals, it almost felt like there was something missing even if it was annoying the first time around.

It seems like the cool thing to do is completely bag out the phenomenon which launched several careers stratospherically, but I still have a place, albeit fairly small, for the series in my heart.

It's a story about young love and how far two people will go to be with each other even if it's defying odds or just not the 'right' choice for them. Who doesn't love a good (okay that's arguable) forbidden romance?!

"And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb".

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